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Rahatu thashkeel

A Full course meal to nurture health and energy


Natural anti-aging


A special tasty

healthy low carb meal



Introducing SOLAZ, the ultimate low-carb meal powerhouse! Delicious and packed with incredible health benefits!


Solaz's [ Hafz low carb meal ] unique blend includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, leafy vegetables like spinach and moringa leaves, coconut, eggs, mushrooms, and other cruciferous vegetables with millet or ghee rice in a 1:4 ratio. We customize our offerings based on customer preferences, including options for fish, meat, or eggs, with additional choices for vegans.

Key Features of Solaz:

  1. Boosts Brain Function: Choline, an essential nutrient in Solaz, supports mood, memory, and recall, playing a crucial role in brain development.

  2. Blood Sugar Regulation: Low-carb consumption has been proven to reduce blood sugar levels.

  3. High in Fiber: Solaz keeps you full, reduces appetite, supports healthy digestion, and regulates blood sugar.

  4. Antioxidant Powerhouse: A rich source of antioxidants, Solaz helps combat oxidative stress, lower blood pressure, and prevent atherosclerosis.

  5. Immunity Support: Solaz's sulfur content promotes gut health, strengthening the immune system by supporting glutathione production.

  6. Cancer-Fighting Properties: Sulforaphane actively fights cancer by protecting cells from DNA damage and neutralizing carcinogens.

  7. Digestive Health Benefits: Solaz's high fiber content supports the digestive process and provides fuel for healthy gut bacteria.

  8. Weight Loss Friendly: Packed with nutrients and low in calories, Solaz is an excellent addition to your weight loss journey.

  9. Overall Health Promotion: Solaz helps maintain a healthy gut, prevent colon cancer, boost skin health, enhance immunity, support eye health, promote weight loss, and improve heart health.

Experience the amazing benefits of Solaz and make your health journey a WOW experience!


      Current research demonstrates that high carbohydrate consumption leads to the accumulation of excess glucose in the body. This accumulation can result in the build-up of toxins, loss of nutrients, accelerated aging, and contribute to chronic diseases. Reducing extra glucose, especially from high-carb consumption, is the initial step toward helping our bodies fight diseases, slowing down aging, and promoting overall health.



Ghee rice/millet
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